When Tooth Removal Is Necessary
Our first priority is preventing dental disease to help our patients bite and chew their favorite foods way into their retirement. Giving treatment options other than irreversible tooth removal helps our patients prioritize their needs and wishes. Sometimes it is still necessary to remove wisdom, unsalvageable, or unwanted teeth.
In addition to providing the services of extracting teeth non-surgically as we as surgically, we also can preserve the tooth socket to allow for maintained bone height. If you remove a tree from a hillside, you are likely to have erosion. Socket preservation is akin to filling in a volcano that erupted to maintain the mountain height so the sides don’t collapse.
Many aspects of our office make this the easiest possible experience. Dr. Christian has had years of prior experience removing teeth working for the Public Health Service on the Navajo Indian Reservation as well as for the State of Wisconsin in Dane County, in helping eliminate dental pain in under-served populations.
The most important objective of our office is getting you the best dental result. You may have read or may read often this phrase in other places on our web site. It is that important to us.
The first step in considering tooth removal is evaluating tooth root shape, bony architecture, and nerve anatomy using x-rays to determine whether referral to an oral surgeon for this procedure would be best. Our office has much of the same equipment and training in tooth removal as an oral surgeon. Seldom do we need to refer even surgical tooth extractions.
We can offer multiple ways of reducing anxiety associated with any dental treatment including tooth removal. Our empathy and focus on listening are probably our most powerful tools. Laughing gas and other methods are also available.